3. Sampling the Imaginary

Instead of relying on calculus to compute the posterior, we can use the sampling method. This chapter is about:

  • How to draw a sample

  • Summarizing the posterior using the sample

    • Boundaries

    • Probability mass

    • Point Estimate

  • Simulation using the sample

Sampling from a grid-approximate posterior

Below is the code for computing the posterior for the globe tossing model using grid approximation from chapter 2

p_grid <- seq(from=0, to=1, length.out=1000)
prior <- rep(1, 1000)

likelihood <- dbinom(6, size=9, prob=p_grid)

posterior <- likelihood * prior

posterior <- posterior / sum(posterior)

Now, to draw a 10,000 samples from the posterior, we do this

samples <- sample(p_grid, prob=posterior, size=1e4, replace=TRUE)

The resulting samples are shown in this plot:


And the following is density estimate computed from these samples:

Loading required package: cmdstanr
This is cmdstanr version 0.7.1
- CmdStanR documentation and vignettes: mc-stan.org/cmdstanr
- CmdStan path: C:/Users/H/Documents/.cmdstan/cmdstan-2.34.1
- CmdStan version: 2.34.1
Loading required package: posterior
This is posterior version 1.5.0

Attaching package: 'posterior'
The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':

    mad, sd, var
The following objects are masked from 'package:base':

    %in%, match
Loading required package: parallel
rethinking (Version 2.40)

Attaching package: 'rethinking'
The following object is masked from 'package:stats':


Comparing with the density of the posterior computed via grid approxinmation, we found that it is very similar though it isn’t identical:

plot(p_grid, posterior, type="b", xlab = "prob. of water", ylab="posterior prob.")

Sampling to summarize

We prepared the model in the previous section. Now, we cam use it to summarize and interpret the posterior distribution. This is done by asking the model questions about the following:

Intervals of defined boundaries

What is the probability (i.e. posterior probability) that the proportion of water is less than 0.5?

  • Using grid approx:
sum(posterior[p_grid < 0.5])
[1] 0.1718746
  • Using samples from posterior
sum(samples < 0.5)/length(samples)
[1] 0.1757

We can see that the results are very close to each other.

How much does posterior probability lie between 0.5 and 0.75?

sum(samples > 0.5 & samples < 0.75) / length(samples)
[1] 0.6034

This means that about 60% of the posterior probability lies between 0.5 and 0.75.

Intervals of defined mass

Compatibility Interval

It is usually called:

  • Confidence Interval in Frequentist stats

  • Credible Interval in Bayesian stats

However, the author calls it Compatibility Interval because:

  • It indicates a range of parameter values compatible with the model and data.

  • He doesn’t use the “confidence” term because the model, data, and interval may not inspire confidence

What is the boundaries of parameter values (i.e. possible proportions of water) that holds the lower 80% posterior probability?

quantile(samples, 0.8)

The output 0.76 represents the stop point of the interval. So, the interval or parameters [0, 0.76] holds 80% of the posterior probability, i.e. the 80th percentile lies in it.

The boundaries of the middle 80% posterior probability

quantile(samples, c(0.1, 0.9))
      10%       90% 
0.4444444 0.8129129 

Percentile Intervals (PI)

  • Assign equal probability mass to each tail.

  • Common in scientific literature

  • Good for summarizing the shape of distribution as long as it is not too asymmetrical

p_grid <- seq(from=0, to=1, length.out=1000)
prior <- rep(1, 1000)

# observing 3 waters in 3 tosses
likelihood <- dbinom(3, size=3, prob=p_grid)

posterior <- likelihood * prior

posterior <- posterior / sum(posterior)

samples <- sample(p_grid, size=1e4, replace=TRUE, prob=posterior)


PI(samples, prob=0.5)
      25%       75% 
0.7087087 0.9319319 

The last line compute the PI assigning 25% of the probability mass to each end of the interval.

Highest Posterior Density Interval (HPDI)

HPDI: the narrowest interval containing the specified probability mass. It can be computed using this function with (prob=0.5) as probability mass:

HPDI(samples, prob=0.5)
     |0.5      0.5| 
0.8418418 1.0000000 

This means that the interval between the parameter values (i.e. proportion of water in our case) 0.56 and 0.75 has the highest posterior probability


  • Most of the time, PI and HPDI are very similar except for the skewed distributions. It doesn’t matter which type of interval to use in bell shape curves.

  • If choice of interval type makes a big difference, then we shouldn’t be using them to summarize the posterior. PLOT THE ENTIRE POSTERIOR INSTEAD!

Point Estimates

In Bayesian stats, parameter estimate = the entire posterior distribution != single number = function:

Parameter value -> Posterior distribution (function) -> Plausibility value

Why? Because this way we avoid discarding information about uncertainty in the entire posterior distribution.

However, what if we want to produce a single point estimate to describe the posterior? Here are some common choices for doing that. Note that using single parameter value for making inference/prediction leads to overconfidence, so make sure to use the posterior.

Maximum a Posteriori Estimate (MAP)

From the grid approximation:

[1] 1

From the sample (it’s called the mode or MAP):

chainmode(samples, adj=0.01)
[1] 0.9671498

Loss Function

Loss function is helpful to decide a single point estimate, here is how we do so:

  1. First, we must pick a loss function suitable to the problem.

  2. Then, we find the value that minimize the loss to use it as a single point estimate, i.e. the optimal point estimate

Common loss functions:

  • Absolute loss \(| decision - true \space value |\) -> median of the posterior is the optimal point estimate

  • Quadratic loss \((decision - true \space value)^2\) -> mean of the posterior is the optimal point estimate

Note: when the posterior distribution is symmetrical and normal looking = then the median and mean converge to the same point (i.e. it doesn’t matter which loss or point estimate to pick)


  • Median
[1] 0.8418418
  • The expected loss when we decide that the proportion of water p=0.5 = sum of the weighted average loss:
sum(posterior * abs(0.5 - p_grid))
[1] 0.3128752
  • We can find the loss for every possible decision/value/proportion of water in p_grid:
loss <- sapply(p_grid, function(d) sum(posterior * abs(d - p_grid)))

After that, we can find the parameter/decision that minimizes the loss:

[1] 0.8408408

And this is actually the posterior median

Final Notes on Summarization

Usually, it is better to communicate as much as you can about:

  • Posterior distribution

  • Data

  • and Model

so that others can build upon your work (Scientists thinking vs. Statistician thinking!)

Sampling to simulate prediction

Dummy Data

Likelihood functions work in both directions:

  • Given data, find how plausible it is: for Binomial, we use dbinom

  • Given the distribution and its parameters, simulate data (by sampling): for Binomial, we use rbinom

Either way, Bayesian models are always generative, generate data through simulation or parameters through estimation.

Let’s see in practice:

Using the true proportion of water on Earth prob=0.7, let’s find probability of observing 0, 1, or 2 water in 2 tosses:

dbinom(0:2, size=2, prob = 0.7)
[1] 0.09 0.42 0.49

Let’s generate n=10 simulations/dummy observations with the same distribution properties. Remember, running a single simulation means tossing the earth size=2 times with prob=0.7 of observing water:

rbinom(n=10, size=2, prob=0.7)
 [1] 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 1

Let’s generate 100,000 dummy data (i.e. water observation) to verify that each value (0, 1, 2) appears in proportion to its likelihood:

dummy_water <- rbinom(n=1e5, size=2, prob=0.7)
      0       1       2 
0.08793 0.42011 0.49196 

Very close to the computed likelihood. The difference is called the simulation variance and it is changed every execution.

dummy_water <- rbinom(n=1e5, size=100, prob=0.7)
simplehist(dummy_water, xlab="dummy water count")

Model Checking

# simulate for a single value of p
w <- rbinom(1e4, size=9, prob=0.6)

# propogate parameter uncertainty into predictions
w <- rbinom(1e4, size=9, prob=samples)



p_grid <- seq(0, 1, length.out=1000)
prior <- rep(1, 1000)

likelihood <- dbinom(6, size = 9, prob = p_grid)
posterior <- likelihood * prior
posterior <- posterior / sum(prior)

samples <- sample(p_grid, prob = posterior, size=1e4, replace=TRUE)

3E1. How much posterior probability lies below p = 0.2?

sum(samples < 0.2)/length(samples)
[1] 4e-04
# or mean(samples < 0.2)

3E2. How much posterior probability lies above p = 0.8?

sum(samples > 0.8)/length(samples)
[1] 0.1116

3E3. How much posterior probability lies between p = 0.2 and p = 0.8?

sum(samples >= 0.2 & samples <= 0.8)/length(samples)
[1] 0.888

3E4. 20% of the posterior probability lies below which value of p?

quantile(posterior, 0.2)

3E5. 20% of the posterior probability lies above which value of p?

quantile(posterior, 0.8)

3E6. Which values of p contain the narrowest interval equal to 66% of the posterior probability?

3E7. Which values of p contain 66% of the posterior probability, assuming equal posterior probability both below and above the interval?